maandag 30 juli 2012

Flash update definitief uitschakelen

update process
Administrators can configure auto-update notification settings by deploying a file named mms.cfg. The mms.cfg file is intended for configuration by an IT administrator and is stored on the user's computer. Flash Player installation does not create the file. You can use third-party administration tools, such as Microsoft System Management Server, to replicate the configuration file to the user's desktop.
The mms.cfg file is a UTF-8 text file. The format of the mms.cfg file is a series of name=value pairs separated by carriage returns. If a parameter is not set in the file, Flash Player assumes the default value. When set, values in this file override the user-configured settings stored in a per-user local shared object.
Note: Settings in mms.cfg override the users settings and users cannot change it through Settings Manager. Settings Manager, as viewed by the user, doesn't reflect configuration settings set by mms.cfg.
If you are deploying Flash Player 8 or later, store the mms.cfg file in the following location depending on the operating system:
·         Windows NT, 2000-- C:\WINNT\System32\Macromed\Flash
·         Windows XP, Vista --C:\WINDOWS\System32\Macromed\Flash
·         Windows 95, 98, or ME--C:\Windows\System\Macromed\Flash
·         Windows 64 bit -- C:\Windows\SysWOW64
·         Macintosh--\Application Support\Macromedia
For player versions earlier than Flash Player 8, store the mms.cfg file in the following location depending on the operating system:
·         Windows NT, 2000--C:\WINNT\System32
·         Windows XP, Vista-- C:\WINDOWS\System32
·         Windows 95, 98, or ME--C:\Windows\System
·         Windows 64 bit -- C:\Windows\SysWOW64
·         Macintosh-- \Application Support\Macromedia
Note: Flash Player 8 and later versions can read mms.cfg from either the new or old location. If mms.cfg exists in both locations, Flash Player 8 reads settings from the new location.
The following table describes settings in the mms.cfg file:
0 allows auto-update based on user settings.

1 disables auto-update.
<0 (or absent)
Takes a numeric value.
<0 (or absent) uses value from player settings.

0 checks for updates every time the player launches.

>0 specifies the minimum number of days between check for updates.
0 allows background update.

1 disables background update.
Disable auto-update notification
2.     Add the following auto-update setting:
3.     Save the mms.cfg file with UTF-8 encoding in the correct system location for the user's operating system.
4.     Close and restart Flash Player or the browser in which Flash Player is running for the new setting to take effect.
Enable background update process
1.     Create or open the mms.cfg file in a text editor.
2.     Add the following auto-update setting:
3.     Save the mms.cfg file with UTF-8 encoding in the correct system location for the user's operating system.
4.     Close and restart Flash Player or the browser in which Flash Player is running for the new setting to take effect.
Test auto-update notification settings
Administrators can verify the mms.cfg configuration has disabled auto-update by using a packet sniffer with the following test:
1.     In mms.cfg, set AutoUpdateDisable=0 to allow auto-update. Verify that auto-update is enabled in Settings Manager.
2.     Add the auto-update setting:
With this setting, Flash Player requests the version file every time it starts and the request appears in the network request traffic.
3.     Open a web page with Flash content to start Flash Player. A simple page with a single piece of Flash content is best, to minimize the network traffic in the packet sniffer log. The packet sniffer shows the auto-update request traffic to
Note: Avoid using as your test page, since the auto-update request is lost in the other file requests.
4.     Set the AutoUpdateDisable to 1 to disable auto-update notification.
5.     Open a web page with Flash content to start Flash Player. There is no version file request traffic.

woensdag 25 juli 2012

Office 365 ADFS trust

Gebruikers krijgen onderstaande fout te zien, dat men niet aangemeld kan worden bij de organisatie.

Het certificaat tussen de ADFS server en Office 365 bleek te zijn verlopen, dit is met onderstaande powershell commando's opgelost.
1 voor 1 zijn onderstaande regels uitgevoerd op de ADFS server.

$cred = Get-Credential
Set-ExecutionPolicy unrestricted
$Session = New-PSSession -ConfigurationName Microsoft.Exchange -ConnectionUri -Credential $cred -Authentication Basic -AllowRedirection
Import-PSSession $session
Connect-MsolService -Credential:$cred
Set-MsolADFSContext -Computer:<computername adfs server>
Update-MsolFederatedDomain -SupportMultipleDomain

Dit is een jaarlijks terugkerend  iets! dus zorg ervoor dat je een agenda afspraak noteert!!!

Live Migration issue

Er waren problemen met live migration van een virtueel machine naar een andere node, zowel onderling van enclosure naar enclosure als in dezelfde enclosure.

Tijdens een live migration was de machine te lang offline om gewoon door te werken, soms was het 3 ping time out en soms bleef de machine timed out.

Als de machine helemaal offline bleef was een ping naar de gateway vanuit de vm voldoende om
weer reply te krijgen van de vm.

De uiteindelijke oplossing van alle problematiek was de network adapter van de virtual machine.
Het verwijderen van de legacy network adapter, en een nieuwe network adapter(Synthetic) toevoegen verhielp het probleem,
schijnbaar kan deze synthetic adapter beter overweg met live migration omdat deze na afloop van een migration een update geeft naar de switches d.m.v. een special arp request.