woensdag 10 april 2013

DPM Free tape

DPM force tape mark as free

Maak een PS.1 bestand aan (powershell) en plak onderstaande code erin:
param ([string] $DPMServerName, [string] $LibraryName, [string[]] $TapeLocationList)
if(("-?","-help") -contains $args[0])
    Write-Host "Usage: ForceFree-Tape.ps1 [[-DPMServerName] <Name of the DPM server>] [-LibraryName] <Name of the library> [-TapeLocationList] <Array of tape locations>"
    Write-Host "Example: Force-FreeTape.ps1 -LibraryName "My library" -TapeLocationList Slot-1, Slot-7"
    exit 0
if (!$DPMServerName)
    $DPMServerName = Read-Host "DPM server name: "
    if (!$DPMServerName)
        Write-Error "Dpm server name not specified."
        exit 1
if (!$LibraryName)
    $LibraryName = Read-Host "Library name: "
    if (!$LibraryName)
        Write-Error "Library name not specified."
        exit 1
if (!$TapeLocationList)
    $TapeLocationList = Read-Host "Tape location: "
    if (!$TapeLocationList)
        Write-Error "Tape location not specified."
        exit 1
if (!(Connect-DPMServer $DPMServerName))
    Write-Error "Failed to connect To DPM server $DPMServerName"
    exit 1
$library = Get-DPMLibrary $DPMServerName | where {$_.UserFriendlyName -eq $LibraryName}
if (!$library)
    Write-Error "Failed to find library with user friendly name $LibraryName"
    exit 1
foreach ($media in @(Get-Tape -DPMLibrary $library))
    if ($TapeLocationList -contains $media.Location)
        if ($media -is [Microsoft.Internal.EnterpriseStorage.Dls.UI.ObjectModel.LibraryManagement.ArchiveMedia])  
            foreach ($rp in @(Get-RecoveryPoint -Tape $media))
                Get-RecoveryPoint -Datasource $rp.Datasource | Out-Null
                Write-Verbose "Removing recovery point created at $($rp.RepresentedPointInTime) for tape in $($media.Location)."
                Remove-RecoveryPoint -RecoveryPoint $rp -ForceDeletion -Confirm:$false
            Write-Verbose "Setting tape in $($media.Location) as free."
            Set-Tape -Tape $media -Free
            Write-Error "The tape in $($media.Location) is a cleaner tape."
Start de DPM powershell management en voer het script uit
Vervolgens wordt er gevraagd welke server, welke library en welke tape locatie. Als je nu op enter drukt zal hij de tape registreren als free.