dinsdag 17 januari 2017

VHDX files not removed after storage move

Sometimes after doing a storage move in SCVMM 2012 the source will not be removed from the CSV LUN after completion.
Not always but sometimes you will get the following message:
As the warning states you have to manually delete the contents, but if you delete the VHDX file it will be gone but after hitting f5 the file is still there.
There are some people saying you have to change the owner of the CSV disk and delete the files on the owner node of the CSV.
But there is a simpler way to delete the files. Just rename the folder where the files are located, normally is this like c:\clusterstorage\volumex\servername\
So just rename the folder servername to servernameold, then go 1 folder up to volume 1 and go back, et voila the files are gone!

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